
closed pairs中文什么意思

发音:   用"closed pairs"造句
  • 练习式结对活动
  • closed:    adj. 1.关闭着的,封闭着的;密闭着的;保密的。 2 ...
  • pair:    n. (pl. pair(s)) 1.一对,一双,一套, ...
  • if-then pairs:    如果--则对
  • in pairs:    成双地, 成对地; 两个两个地; 两个一组; 两人一组
  • pairs:    花样滑冰双人滑; 双人滑
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  1. Shamos and hoey algorithm , divide and conquer , closest pair of points , complexity
  2. Choose a size large enough that the peak of the psf of the stars will be within the aperture , but small enough to resolve close pairs of stars
  3. As early as in 1975 , shamos and hoey first gave an o n - lg n - time divide - and - conquer algorithm sh algorithm in short for the problem of finding the closest pair of points
    Shamos和hoey在1975年提出了在o n lg n时间内寻找平面内最近点对的分治算法。
  4. 5 yulin zhou , pengrong xiong , hong zhu . an improved algorithm about the closest pair of points on plane set . computer research and development , 1998 , 35 : 957 - 960
    这样,在归并时,最坏情况只需要计算3n 2对点对之间的距离,从而使整个算法计算距离的复杂度降为3n lg n 2 ,这个值为最初sh算法的一半。
  5. An improved algorithm for finding the closest pair of points qi ge , hai - tao wang , and hong zhu department of computer science and engineering , fudan university , shanghai 200433 , p . r . china



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